When Help’s Not Coming

Over the past few weeks, I have traveled to various locations across the 10-state footprint our organization serves. I’ve also spoken to several executives at various companies about the state of the agriculture industry and overall economy. All have the same great need – people. Apart from the tech industry dealing with the post-pandemic hangover,…

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Constraints & Creativity

I’ve been thinking about constraints lately.  After several years of strong economics, our industry fundamentals are changing rapidly.  When faced with a difficult challenge, I can easily get stuck in a binary way of thinking – either/or, black/white, win/lose.  But to successfully navigate the challenges ahead, we need to broaden our approach to problem-solving and…

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The Fear of Joy

Brene’ Brown, tells us, “Joy is the most vulnerable emotion.” I had heard her mention it a while ago, but I never fully understood it from a business perspective until recently.  Our company has a funny year-end, which allows us to plan for crop years from an agricultural input perspective.  As a result, our fiscal…

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Make the Call

In the late 1990s, I served as an airborne rifle platoon leader with the US’s Southern European Task Force, the US’s quick reaction force for Europe and Africa.   At the time, Africa was in a tough spot, with any number of African countries either actively engaged in civil wars or on the verge of…

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